Professor David Lai
David graduated from the University of Sydney as a medical doctor with First Class Honours and the University Medal.
He qualified as a cardio-thoracic surgeon in Australia and was awarded the Gordon Gordon-Taylor Medal by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
He underwent postgraduate training in cardiac surgery at the Stanford University School of Medicine, Toronto General Hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital affiliated with the Harvard Medical School.
As a clinician with research credentials in both basic and clinical sciences, David has a keen interest in medical devices and biotechnologies.
Dr Meng-Han Kuok
Meng-Han is the founder and CEO of Camtech Holdings, a healthcare company active in rapid diagnostics, laboratory testing, innovation and technology incubation, that has brought to market several healthcare and biotechnology innovations.
He holds a PhD in Biotechnology, as well as a Masters and BA in Engineering from Cambridge University, where he worked on lab on chip biosensors for rapid anthrax detection for his PhD. This was subsequently developed and commercialised after winning Singapore Government Innovation grants.
He is also a director of JN Medsys, Redbite Solutions and Bandlab Technologies.
Gourab Mukherjee
Gourab brings with him a proven track record of building business lines globally in digital health and commercialising data-science innovations.
He holds a double degree in Information Technology from ECU, Australia. At Aktivolabs, Gourab is dedicated to improving population health and longevity. Gourab strives to solve real-world problems by connecting people, ideas and networks.
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